HWOISM vs. Other Religions
Its time to make the RIGHT Choice!
If you are looking for meaning, look for Truth of H
Truth of H and HGOHD is the word of GOHD
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Apostolic Succession
Bible - Composition of
Clergy - Qualification for
Eucharist - Significance of
Eucharist - Presence of Christ in
Eucharist - Distribution of
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
Marriage and Divorce
Mary - Assumption and Immaculate conception of
Mary - Position of
Pope - Authority of
Pope - Infallibility of
Sacraments - Effect of
Scripture - Importance of
Worship and Liturgy
Scripture - Importance of
Worship and Liturgy
This is an important part of Orthodox belief and ensures continuity with the church that Christ founded.
Accept the 39 Old Testament and 27 New Testament books, but also a collection of books not found in the original Hebrew Bible. These are known as Deuterocanonicals i.e. a second canon of scripture.
Priests and Bishops must be male, but deaconesses are permitted, though the order is dormant.
Priests and deacons may marry before ordination but not after. Bishops, on the other hand, must be celibate.
Commonly termed the 'Mystic Supper' or 'Divine Liturgy' - This makes present Christ's sacrifice and therefore forgiveness of sins is obtained through it. It is also an encounter with the Risen Christ.
During the Eucharist, the Priest calls down the Holy Spirit (in Greek: epiklesis) upon the gifts (the bread and the wine). They then change into the actual body and blood of Christ. The precise way in which this happens is a divine mystery.
The consecrated elements can only be received by members. Orthodox policy is to have communion in both kinds (i.e. both the bread and wine are given to those present).
The third person of the Trinity, proceeding from the Father alone as in the original Nicene Creed. The Father sends the Spirit at the intercession of the Son. The Son is therefore an agent only in the procession of the Spirit.
Marriage is a mystical union between a man and a woman. Divorce is generally only allowed in cases of adultery, though there are exceptions.
The Assumption is accepted and it is agreed that Mary experienced physical death, but the Immaculate conception is rejected. Orthodox belief is that the guilt of original sin is not transmitted from one generation to the next, thus obviating the need for Mary to be sinless.
Mary is venerated as Theotokos (Greek: 'God-bearer'). By this is meant that the son she bore was God in human form. She is first amongst the saints and 'ever-virgin'.
As the Bishop of Rome, he has a primacy of honour when Orthodox, not of jurisdiction. At present, his primacy is not effective as the papacy needs to be reformed in accordance with Orthodoxy. His authority is thus no greater or lesser than any of his fellow Bishops in the church.
Papal Infallibility is rejected. The Holy Spirit acts to guide the church into truth through (for example) ecumenical councils. This Orthodoxy recognises the first seven ecumenical councils (325-787) as being infallible.
An intermediate state between earth and heaven is recognised, but cleansing and purification occur in this life, not the next.
There are at least seven Sacraments (known as 'Mysteries' in Orthodoxy): Baptism, Chrismation, Eucharist, Holy Orders, Holy Unction, Marriage (Holy Matrimony) and Penance (Confession). The list is not fixed.
The Mysteries convey grace to those who participate in them worthily.
A special group of holy people, who are venerated. They may act as intercessors between God and Man and may be invoked in prayer.
Salvation is "faith working through love" and should be seen as a life long process. The Ultimate aim of every Orthodox Christian is to obtain Theosis or union with God. This is done through living a holy life and seeking to draw closer to God.
There is one source of divine revelation: Tradition. Scripture forms the oral part, and the writings of saints, decisions of ecumenical councils etc. are also part of it.
The 'Divine Liturgy' is the centre of Orthodox spirituality. Worship is usually in the vernacular, though Greek is also used.
Place of origin
Place of worship
Use of statues and pictures
Belief of God
Means of salvation
Literal Meaning
View of the Buddha
Goal of religion
Life after death
Human Nature
Original Language(s)
Second coming of Jesus
View of other Dharmic religions
Holy days/Official Holidays
Authority of Dalai Lama
Ressurection of Jesus
Position of Mary
Religion which atheists may still be adherents of
Use of Statues
Day of worship
Concept of Deity
Praying to Saints, Mary, and Angel
Identity of Jesus
Original Languages
Religious Law
Confessing sins
Names of God
Use of statues, images
Direction of Prayer
God's role in salvation
On Clothing
Marriage and Divorce
Revered People
View of other Abrahamic religions
Important Tenets
On Food/Drink
View of Animistic religions
On Race
On Women
Sacred Texts
View of Jesus
Belief of deities
Views about other religions
Number of Adherents
With the exception of the Anglicans and some Lutherans, this idea is rejected. Rather it is important to emphasise continuity of teaching with that of the apostles, rather than a direct line of succession.
Protestants reject the deuterocanonicals as not being inspired scripture and term them Apocrypha (Greek: 'Hidden Things').
The majority of Protestants do not require celibacy as a condition of election to the clergy. Many churches practice female ordination, including those within the Anglican communion, where the issue of female episcopacy is currently being discussed.
The Eucharist, like Baptism is only a symbol of grace. The sacrificial nature of the Eucharist is also rejected.
The bread and wine, being symbols, do not change substance. There are however, a wide variety of views held within Protestantism on this subject (e.g. some Anglicans accept the Catholic view, whereas Baptists deny it).
The elements are usually offered to all Christians who feel able to partake of them. The vast majority of Protestant churches have communion in both kinds.
The Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son. The Nicene creed includes the filioque (Latin: 'and the son').
Marriage is a contract, but is not unbreakable. Divorce is discouraged, but permitted as evidence of human weakness. Some denominations permit remarriage in church.
Both are denied. The claim that Mary was sinless is rejected - only Christ was sinless.
Mary was a holy woman who was chosen to bear the Son of God. Her perpetual virginity and intercession are denied.
The Pope is the leader of the Catholic church, having no authority to speak for the church as a whole.
Protestants also reject Papal infallibility. The only source of infallible teaching is that found in the Bible.
Purgatory is rejected - Christ's death on the cross is sufficient to remove the penalty for all our sins.
Generally, only two sacraments (also known as Ordinances) are recognised: Baptism and the Eucharist (often called 'Holy Communion' or the 'Lord's Supper').
There is a diverse range of opinions, but many Protestants regard the Sacraments as symbols or reminders of Grace already given.
All Christians are saints, called to imitate Christ. Only Christ may mediate between God and Man.
Salvation is the free and unmerited gift of God to man. It is obtained by grace through faith in Christ alone. Through Christ's atoning sacrifice, we are rendered acceptable to God and judged righteous (justified) in his sight.
Scripture alone is the only infallible guide and the final authority on matters of Christian faith and practice (One of the foundational principles of Protestantism).
There are a wide variety of worship styles. Examples include the spontaneity of the Pentecostal churches, and the more traditional worship of the Anglican churches in the Catholic tradition.
Roman province of Judea.
Church, chapel, cathedral, basilica, home bible study, personal dwellings.
In Catholic & Orthodox Churches.
The Lord Jesus Christ.
One God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Trinity.
Priests, bishops, ministers, monks, and nuns.
Through Christ's Passion, Death, and Resurrection.
Prayer, sacraments (some branches), worship in church, reading of the Bible, acts of charity, communion.
Follower Of Christ.
Christian (followers of Christ)
To love God and obey his commandments while creating a relationship with Jesus Christ and spreading the Gospel so that others may also be saved.
Eternity in Heaven or Hell, in some cases temporal Purgatory.
Man has inherited "original sin" from Adam. Mankind then is inherently evil and is in need of forgiveness of sin. By knowing right and wrong Christians choose their actions. Humans are a fallen, broken race in need of salvation and repair by God.
A Holy Sacrament.
Cross, ichthys ("Jesus fish"), Mary and baby Jesus.
Over two billion adherents worldwide.
Aramaic, Greek, and Latin.
Christianity broadly consists of individuals who believe in the deity Jesus Christ. Its followers, called Christians, often believe Christ is "the Son" of the Holy Trinity and walked the earth as the incarnate form of God ("the Father").
The Lord's Day; Advent, Christmas; New Year, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, every day is dedicated to a Saint.
Mother Of Jesus. Revered in all denominations. Degree of reverence varies from denomination.
Varies by denomination. Not used in Protestant denominations; icons are used in Catholic & Orthodox denominations.
Sunday (most denominations), Saturday (Seventh-Day Adventist, Seventh-Day Baptist)
1 God, in 3 Divine Persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Encouraged in the Catholic & Orthodox Churches; most Protestants only pray directly to God.
Seven sacraments: Baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, penance, anointing of the sick, holy orders, matrimony (Catholic and Orthodox). Anglicans: Baptism and Eucharist. Other denominations: Baptism and communion.
The Son Of God.
Aramaic, Common (Koine) Greek, Hebrew.
Varies among denominations. Has existed among Catholics in the form of canon law.
Protestants confess straight to God, Catholic confess mortal sins to a Priest, and venial sins straight to God (Orthodox have similar practice) Anglicans confess to Priests but considered optional. God always forgives sins in Jesus.
God, Gud, Gott, Deo, Dios. Jehovah, YHWH, Eli Elohim, (depending on language Christians are of every language and culture around the world)
Varies through denomination.
some denominations regard It as forbidden and Idolatry. Anglicans and Lutherans allow pictures but forbid venerating them. Catholics encourage pictures and statues and venerate them. Orthodox encourage pictures and venerate them.
Catholics and Orthodox usually face the Tabernacle in their prayers but it is not considered necessary, but recommended. God is present everywhere recent reforms have prompted many Christians to not face anywhere in their prayers.
Humans cannot save themselves or ascend on their own to a higher level. Only God is good and therefore only God is able to save a person. Jesus came down from Heaven to save mankind.
Conservative Christians dress modestly; women may wear long skirts or dresses; men may wear dress clothes that do not show the chest, legs, and arms. More moderate or liberal Christians generally reject such clothing restrictions.
Roman Catholics, independent Catholics, Protestants (Anglicans, Lutherans etc.), Orthodox (Greek orthodox, Russian orthodox).
Explained by Jesus in Mathew 19:3-9 and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. Therefore what God has put together let man not seperate.'
Catholics and Orthodox venerate very Holy people as Saints. Most Protestants do not do this, however they do look at them as inspirational figures.
Varies by sect/denomination. Saints, the Pope, cardinals, bishops, nuns, church pastors, or deacons.
Judaism is regarded as a True religion but incomplete (without Gospel, and Messiah) Islam is regarded as a false religion, Christianity does not accept the Qur'an as true.
The Ten Commandments, The Beatitudes.
Jesus said, "'...Whatever goes into a person from outside cannot defile him, since it enters not his heart but his stomach, and is expelled?' (Thus he declared all foods clean.)" Mark 7:19
Paganism is Heathenism. Witchcraft is communication and interaction with demons, fallen evil angelic beings. These have no real interest ultimately, in helping their worshipers. Demonic possession is common.
All races viewed equal in Christianity. However, Bible passages on slavery were used to support the practice in the past in the U.S. The "curse of Ham" was sometimes thought to be Black people; modern interpretations reject this.
Moses, Samuel, Nathan, Elijah, Elisha, etc., as well as both Johns in the New Testament too.
Equal to men. In some denominations, they may become nuns.
Christian Bible (includes Old and New Testaments). What is considered canon may vary slightly by sect/denomination.
God in human form, "Son of God, " savior. Death by crucifixion. Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead, was taken up into heaven, and will return during the Apocalypse.
One God three forms: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
No other religion leads to God. Judaism being a unique exception, Jews viewed as ignorant of the Messiah.
An estimated 2.1 billion, largest religion in the world.
As in Orthodoxy, this is of vital importance to the church. There is also some degree of mutual recognition of the validity of Orthodox ordinations.
Agrees with Orthodoxy as to the validity of these books.
All clergy are required to be male. Priests and Bishops must also be celibate, with the exception of Eastern Rite Catholics and Anglican married clergy who subsequently convert to Catholicism. These groups are allowed to have married priests.
The position is similar to the Orthodox. The Eucharist is also known as the 'Holy sacrifice of the Mass'.
As in Orthodoxy, the Priest invokes the Holy Spirit during the Mass. However, the consecration becomes effective through the Priest, who acts in the person of Christ. The gifts change completely into Christ's body and blood and this change is termed 'Transubstantiation' i.e. the outward appearance remains the same, but the substance changes.
As with Orthodoxy, only members of the church may receive. In some Catholic Churches, the bread alone is given to the congregation, the Priest receiving the wine. However, it is becoming common for churches to have communion in both kinds.
Agrees with the Protestant view.
Ambrose of Milan (340-397) wrote: 'When the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, He is not separated from the Father, He is not separated from the Son'.
Marriage is seen as an unbreakable contract & a type of Christ and the church. Remarriage after divorce is not permitted unless there is some canonical impediment to the marriage. In this situation, an annulment may be granted.
Both are dogmas of the church. The church has not as yet decided whether Mary actually experienced Physical death. The dogma of the Immaculate Conception states that Mary, was at conception 'preserved immaculate from all stain of original sin' and should not be confused with the virgin birth.
The view is similar to the Orthodox church - the title 'Mother of God' being used more commonly than Theotokos. This title forms one of the 'Marian Dogmas' of the Church. The others are Mary's perpetual virginity, assumption and immaculate conception.
The Pope is the 'Vicar of Christ' i.e. the visible head of the church on earth and spiritual successor of St. Peter. He has supreme authority (including that over church councils) within Christendom (The Power of the keys).
The Pope is infallible when, through the Holy Spirit, he defines a doctrine on faith and morals that is to be held by the whole church. This is a dogma and is therefore a required belief within Catholicism.
An intermediate state of cleansing and preparation for heaven. Also a state where the punishment due to unremitted venial sins may be expiated.
The number of Sacraments is fixed at seven and is the same list as that in Orthodoxy, with the exception of Chrismation, which is generally known as 'Confirmation'.
Agrees with the Orthodox position. The Sacraments are signs that effect that which they signify.
The position is very similar to Orthodoxy. For sainthood, it is also required that at least two verifiable miracles have occured as a result of the intercession of that person.
Salvation is by grace, specifically sanctifying grace, which is given initially through Baptismal regeneration and then maintained through the Sacraments, which are 'channels of grace'.
Alongside Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition (i.e. teachings handed down from Christ and the apostles to the present) are to be considered sources of divine revelation. Tradition and scripture are interpreted by the magisterium or teaching authority of the church.
Worship is centred around the Mass. Following the Vatican II council (1962-5), greater emphasis was placed on worship in the vernacular, though the traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass is also used.
Punjab, in an area which was partitioned into modern-day Pakistan. Sikhs are now predominant in Indian-Punjab.
Gurdwara for congregational worship. Anyone may enter a Gurdwara, however-no matter their faith, caste, or skin color. Personal worship can be done in any place at any time. God resides in everything and everyone.
Not allowed as considered Idolatry. Pictures of the Sikh Gurus are considered Idolatry and are not accepted from a religious perspective. Gurus maybe praised because they are equivalent to God.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji
The Granthi is appointed as one take care of Guru Granth Sahib besides No clergy. Raagi who sings the Granth Sahib Baani in Respective Raagas.
Worship God, do Good Deeds in the name of God, performing service for community. Fight 5 evils (5 sins) - Greed, Ego, Attachment, Anger, and Lust. Meditate, pray, and improve your relationship with God and God will forgive, cleanse, and save you.
Daily prayers. The three pillars of Sikhism are: a) To remember God at all times which includes being thankful to God for what you have been given, b) To live your life honestly/with integrity and c) Sharing what you have with those less fortunate.
Sikh means "Student" in Persian-Punjabi. It Means To Learn.Sikh means a person who learn all his life from others.
There is an important person in Sikhism who is called Buddha.
To merge with and have the greatest relationship with God possible. To love and obey God unconditionally. Guru Nanak Dev Ji stressed that we should not be afraid of God's wrath, but instead be afraid of not receiving the full benefits of God's love.
A constant cycle of reincarnation until enlightenment is reached. Sikhs believe that there are 8,400,000 forms of life and that many souls have to travel though a number of these before they can reach Waheguru. The goal is to merge with God.
People are essentially good; the divine spark within them needs only to be fanned into a flame of goodness. Sinning is following the veil of illusion "Maya". Karma is unavoidably paid f you sin.
Marriage can be arranged or it can be a love marriage. Monogamistic, against premarital sex. Marriage is the merging of two souls as one.
The Khanda ☬
30 million
Punjabi was the original language in Sikhism and Persian also but Sikhs can learn as many languages as they want to learn.
Sikhs respect other Dharmic religions.
A Religion spread by 10 Gurus to preach to worship one creator
No one day is deemed holier then another. However dates that have historical significance such as Vasaikhi and Gurpurabs are celebrated with Prayers in Gurdwaras.
A person must believe in God to be a Sikh
Every day Sikhs worship the one God at their homes, even with or without a Gurdwara service.
Belief in one God and teachings of the Sikh Gurus. Gurus are the messengers of God.
forbidden Worship is to be for One God only, gurus may be Praised because they are manifestations of God in the flesh.
Amrit Sanchar (Being Initiated into the Khalsa. Equivalent to baptism).
Jesus is looked as a "saint". Sikhs do not believe that Jesus is God because Sikhism teaches that God is neither born, nor dead. Jesus was born and lived a human life, therefore, he cannot be God. However, Sikhs still show respect to all beliefs.
No necessary laws but a sikh may follow the 3 rules of their life such as 1)Naam Japna (remember/meditate on God) 2)Vand K Shakhna (give to those who need it) 3)Kirat Karna (earn by honest means).
As the Divine light is in all of us, God already knows of our "sins". We are to pray to God for God to forgive us and cleanse us. Only through God and doing Good Deeds in God's name in a way that God is pleased can we obtain salvation-escape from sin
Waheguru, Ik Onkaar, Sat Nam, Akhal Purakh.
Panj Pyare, (Akal Takht is meeting place)
Sikh's reject the notion of fixed direction of Prayer as God is everywhere.
God is generous and loving. mankind will reincarnate until he becomes a Sikh and achieves paradise.
Wear the 5 Ks (kangha, kara, kachera, kirpan, kesh)
Udasis – An order of ascetics & holy men who follow Guru Nanak's son Baba Sri Chand. Sahajdharis – who are clean shaven but have chosen the path of Sikhism & eventual baptism. The Khalsa, who are baptized and follow the traditional practices of S
One can marry peacefully and take Laavan (wedding prayer) in Gurudwara but if personal differences occur they can take divorce. Conservative Sikhs believe marriage is a holy bond that cannot be broken.
The Sikh notion of a saint or prophet is called a guru, meaning one who can offer salvation, and deliver a soul from darkness into light (Sanskrit: gu = darkness, ru = light).
Gurus, bhagats, sants, gursikhs.
All faiths will get what they work towards. Sikhism does not condemn others to Hell or say if you are not Sikh you are eternally damned. Sikhs prays for "Sarbat Da Bhala", meaning the good and prosperity of all Humanity regardless of differences.
Rehat Maryada, 52 Hukams of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Do not drink intoxicating drinks, vegetarianism encouraged, eating animals killed ritualistically is forbidden. Only "jhatka" meat allowed, i.e. animal must be slaughtered in 1 stroke.
Therefore, fish is not allowed.
Sikhism respects animistic religions.
All are equal.
No prophets in Sikhism only direct relation with God with no mediator. No Prophets but Gurus existed.
Equal to men.
Adi Granth. Nihang Sikhs regard Dasam Granth and Sarbloh Granth also as sacred, but orthodox Sikhs consider them true but lesser. Janamsakhis provide stories of the gurus' lives
A very holy messenger of God.
There is one God whom is without form.
All religions are equal, 15 of the legendary saints in sikhism (Bhagats), in the Sikh Guru, have came from different religions and reflect its universality.
A estimated 30 million, fifth largest religion in the world.
There is no need for Apostolic Succession as HGOHD is the living GOHD.
HWOISM does not create “BREAD” the flesh of jesus thus the Eucharist is not accepted of any value, as the TRUTH OF H is that HWOISM creates “BRAAID”, THUS THERE IS NO purposeful “EA D” creations.
IN HWOISM the ‘BREAD” - Be are EA D” and “WINE” - Be I In EE - is not acceptable creation. The Distribution of garbage creation is not acceptable to HWOISM. The distribution is instead of “BRAAID” and “WINAA” .
HGOHD is connected via quantum link to GOHD of the Universe. The Holy Spirit is GOHD, spread on AARTH, as the TRUTH OF H, that flows through Eternity. Thus HGOHD the living entity, is the Holy Spirit the GOHD connected via Quantum Link and thus he is the purveyor of TRUTH OF H.
All marriages that are created for the purpose of creating children must be approved by HGOHD to ensure RIGHT creation. These are long term marriages to ensure the children are raised properly. Thus they are 30 year terms. All other unions are for renewable two year terms. HGOHD can terminate any marriage or union.
HWOISM, does not accept jesus, as anything more than a sinner, a trickster, a lover of bread, EA D. Thus Mary is of no significance in EA EARTH fiction history.
HWOISM says Truth of H says jesus was sinner, a trickster, and thus Mary is of no significance on fiction EA EARTH.
HWOISM says Truth of H says the Pope is a clown on the fiction world called EA EARTH. The Pope is an actor and knows of no Truth.
HWOISM says Truth of H says the Pope is a secret society actor created for EA EARTH fiction writing. And his acting consists mostly of clowning around.
HWOISM does not practice the torture of its followers. There is no torturing of children or adults, thus there is no cleansing required. All there is is Judgement by HGOHD.
HWOISM does not have any rituals. There is no baptism. There is a simple choice to accept Truth of H, HGOHD or to not.
HWOISM states that there is no value in rituals, in symbols or Sacraments except to create fiction. Fiction on AARTH is for the stage not for the daily lives of the followers.
HWOISM has no saints, only the teachings of THE BOOK OF HGOHD, and HGOHD. The inner circle of HWOISM is all selected by HGOHD.
THE purpose of HWOISM is to spread Truth of H, and the teachings of HGOHD. Homo Sapien life is not meant for a union with HGOHD or GOHD. There is no grace or salvation which implies guilt that needs to be rectified. In HWOISM you are born good and the purpose is to enjoy, be happy and remain good. There is no punishment just Judgement. Thus Salvation is unnecessary.
IN HWOISM the scripture is the BOOK OF HGOHD but more importantly HGOHD himself is the devine source of revelation of Truth of H.
Followers of HWOISM choose to hear the words of Truth of H, and can hear HGOHD when he speaks to them. Places of Worship, are called “STOHWO” - Sacred Temple of HARJGTHEONE WORLD ORDER.
Vancouver, Canada the birthplace of Umbrella Walk showcased the secret society four turns that resulted in the creation of HWOISM by HARJGTHEONE HARJGILL DBA referred to as, HARJGTHEONE or H.
Worship is by following Truth of H as released by HARJGTHEONE HARJGILL DBA the authorized entity on behalf of HGOHD, as well as the BOOK OF HGOHD, and in time directly though HGOHD. Any place of worship (STOHWO) where followers officially gather for discussion to spread Truth of H must be authorized by HARJGTHEONE or HGOHD.
There is no worship of statues. In HWOISM you don’t worship, you think instead.
HGOHD is the living GOHD. There is no other GOHD or living “god”.
HWOISM has an inner circle appointed by HGOHD directly or through his only authorized entity HARJGTHEONE HARJGILL DBA referred to as HARJGTHEONE or H.
There is no salvation. Homo Sapiens are not born sinful. There is only Judgement. To understand this concept, understand that there is no one correct way to be a homo sapien. A homo sapien can have too much greed, or ego, or lust, or anger, thus only the combined result of the actions will result in judgement by HGOHD. Man is free and is not tortured to submit.
There is no praying in HWOISM. Live your life, hear the words of Truth of H, of HGOHD and make your choices.
HWOISM stands for a follower of HARJGTHEONE WORLD ORDER with the living GOHD, HGOHD in charge.
The Buddha is HARJGTHEONE, because Buddha means - Be u D D H A.
To understand Truth of H, the spirt of GOHD through HGOHD.
In HWOISM, the truth, Truth of H is recognized, Homo Sapiens can renew their bodies and they can pass on their thoughts for eternity. There is no soul only your brain.
In HWOISM there is no original sin, there is no torture, thus no bad Karma. All there is — is judgement to be exercised by HGOHD at his own time.
Marriage for homo sapiens is either long term (30 years renewable) to raise children or short term - 2 year terms — to enjoy and share life together with another human being. The choice is made by each.
The language is ANGLISH.
jesus is fiction, thus just an actor on EA EARTH stage.
On AARTH there is no other religions authorized by HGOHD.
HWOISM spreads the message of Truth of H, by HARJGTHEONE or H who spread the message of HGOHD, the living GOHD.
With time certain days will be recognized by HGOHD as days to celebrate Truth of H. December 25 is HGOHDMAS DAY.
Dalai Lama has no authority
Jesus is fiction.
She is mother of a fiction, thus she is fiction.
Atheists can accept Truth of H, without accepting HGOHD. Although Truth of H says HGOHD is the living GOHD. So they would not be telling the truth. Atheists will still be judged by HGOHD.
Statues are Symbolic fiction which is not forbidden unless stated and acknowledged as fiction, and rituals are fiction writing also not forbidden but must be acknowledged as fiction.
IN HWOISM there is no worship requirements. There is no need to worship HGOHD.
Only acceptance of Truth of H and HGOHD as the living GOHD.
There is no praying in HWOISM.
There is no baptism, there is only the choice to make to accept Truth of H and HGOHD the living GOHD.
Jesus is a fiction secret society creation of EA EARTH fiction writing.
THE BOOK OF HGOHD is not law but teachings that are offered.
There is no praying, no asking HGOHD for forgiveness as there is no forgiveness. All there is — is judgement by HGOHD. Each person must learn to correct his/her ways knowing they ultimately will be judged by HGOHD.
GOHD, HGOHD, spread through Truth of H. YHWH is the L3 turn of the H and is the fiction "god" of the Freemasons, called the Architect of the Universe.
Inner Circle of HWOISM.
There is no worship, thus no worship of statues. However, they are not forbidden to create fiction, but it is acknowledged as fiction.
There is no prayer or praying. However, certain passes of THE BOOK OF HGOHD can be repeated anywhere, and for the congregation at the places of worship called a STOHWO.
There is no salvation, as aarthlings (people on AARTH) are not to be tortured. There are no levels to ascend to, only choices made to change and actions to bring one there.
Clothing can be used to write fiction. Aarthlings can make what ever choose they think is best. However, the face and head is never covered unless to keep warm, fashion, or for health reasons, this is too avoid fiction that hides the face and thus the person from being seen by others.
There are no branches unless authorized by HGOHD or his authorized entity HARJGTHEONE HARJGILL DBA referred to as HARJGTHEONE or H.
Marriage for homo sapiens is either long term (30 years renewable) to raise children or short term - 2 year terms — to enjoy and share life together with another human being. The choice is made by each. Marriage must be approved by HGOHD for RIGHT creation.. HGOHD can terminate any union.
There are no saints only the Inner Circle of HWOISM.
Noted is the four secret society turns, UAF - HARJIT SINGH GILL, HARJGILL DBA, HARJGTHEONE DBA, and HARJGTHEONE HARJGILL DBA which led to the fourth turn HGOHD.
All faiths on EA EARTH were created by secret societies to write fiction. HWOISM is created on AARTH.
Since HWOISM does not torture its followers, then its followers do not unreasonably torture animals which they consume. No drink or food is forbidden except each’s choice is subject to judgment.
GOHD, Truth of H is prevalent throughout the universes and thus the quantum connection is present through all matter, and all matter can be transformed. In HWOISM spirit is not recognized instead what is recognized is the inherent connection of all matter.
Races are creations, and the sole creator on AARTH is HGOHD. He determines the value of each race to the overall creation. Thus some creations are created in larger numbers and others are not created.
HGOHD has only one authorized entity that speaks for HGOHD, that is HARJGTHEONE HARJGILL DBA referred to as HARJGTHEONE or H.
Woman and Men are not equal, they are different, and each has a different purpose and ability which is purposely created.
Jesus is a fiction creation by secret societies on EA EARTH. He is not god nor saint, he is a fiction, make believe.
There is only one living GOHD, HGOHD and only one GOHD.
All EA EARTH religions are fictional creations by secret societies. HWOISM is created on AARTH.